Continuous Authentication Against an Ever-Changing World

As the latest security standard takes centre stage, learn all about it.

Continuous authentication (cAuth) is a method of preventing intruders from gaining access to systems by requiring continuous user authentication.

For the meantime, continuous authentication refers to the capabilities of behavioural biometrics; these features are enabled precisely after the login and monitor the user’s activities indefinitely. If a consumer deviates from the behavioural baselines, a short warning will be triggered.

In this whitepaper, we’ll look at how your continuous authentication policies will keep you safe in today’s security environment. What are some of the most common threats in the identity environment that this method of authentication can effectively mitigate?

You’ll also find out about:

  • The actual state of authentication.
  • Traditional authentication techniques have a number of drawbacks.
  • The feasibility of continuous authentication.
  • What is continuous authentication and how does it work?
  • Consistent authentication has a number of advantages.

To learn how the LoginRadius Identity Platform integrates continuous authentication for a smooth, authenticated, and highly reliable login, download this whitepaper.

Download Whitepaper: Continuous Authentication